Monday, October 30, 2017



Case Study No.3: Importance of the Facing Direction and Location of the Main Door

On 26th October 2017, I went to audit a friend’s house in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. The primary reason for this audit was because she was rather anxious whether the Feng Shui of her house had anything to do with her husband and her developing thyroid problems since they had moved in. 

It was a 3 storey linked house. The façade and the main door faced the same direction, i.e., 320°NW2 (Qian) which is one of the better facing directions in Period 8 because it has a prosperous facing and prosperous sitting arrangement.  

                                                    NW2 (Qian)

                  Front Door            Sliding Door                
       5         7


      6          8


       2       4


       1         3


      7        9


       4       6


       3         5


      8        1


       9       2


The [5 – 7] combination in Sector 1 is an inauspicious one because the facing star 7 is untimely and, of course, the sitting 5 Yellow Star is ominous in Period 8. Star 7 affects the vocal cords, respiratory system or the neck and throat areas of the body. Therefore it is quite obvious that this [5 – 7] combination of the front door is a causal factor in the contracting of thyroid problems in my friend and her husband. My suggestion to her was not to use the front door but the sliding glass door instead which was located in Sector 9. This will avoid aggravating further health problems and simultaneously activate the Wealth Star 8 in the [6 – 8] combination.

Although my friend realizes the seriousness of the inauspicious [5 - 7] combination for the location of her front door, her husband and her in-laws unfortunately do not believe in the analysis and effectiveness of Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui. Hence they will not follow my advice and will keep on activating and receiving the bad qi by using the front door. The situation will be further aggravated when an inauspicious annual star (e.g. a star 7 or 5 Yellow) flies into that sector.

UPDATE 2 (4 January 2018)
I had tea with my friend 2 days ago and it seems her sister-in-law told her that they, meaning the rest of the in-laws, are now willing not to use their main door and to use the sliding door instead. Hopefully, my friend and her husband’s thyroid problems will cease eventually as a result of not activating the [5 – 7] sector.